Friday, July 1, 2011

Colorado Rocky Mountain Fly Fishing

Colorado Rocky Mountain Fly Fishing

Wow, July is here and it really does not feel like it.  For many weeks I was thinking that we were just a couple weeks off of normal, for this time of year.  As I look up to the high peaks however, it seems like it may be more like a month.

This has definitely slowed the fishing here in Colorado but we have been being selective on trips and finding some great fishing. 

I really think that this is a great way to look at fishing this time of year and in these conditions. You have to be selective of where you are going to fish, selective of the bugs you are going to use and selective of the techniques to present your flies to the fish.  If you get these aspects right you will have some great success.

We all love to have easy days with bugs flying and fish gobbling your flies.  We will be having these days and I believe they will last all summer; it may just be a couple weeks to a month behind schedule.  Now when it does happen hold on! I am talking weeks if not the whole summer with plenty of cool water in our rivers, to keep the hatches popping and fish chowing.

All that being said, don’t hesitate to go fishing right now.  These are great days to be on the water, you may be the first one to have that “magic” day; when you can do no wrong and every fly you put on gets chewn to threads. Just remember it is kinda like winning the lottery if you don’t play you can’t win.

So get out and fish!  You may be surprised on how good it actually has been.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog for fish catching activities and shares a great information about fishing tour. Thanks for your unique information.
    Private Land Fly Fishing Trips Colorado
    Trout Fly Fishing Trips Colorado
